Smooth Fonts in Wwise on macOS

I’ve been learning Wwise over the last week or so and I’m finding their learning materials really helpful. The combination of the written steps in their Learning site along with the videos they have on YouTube makes it clear how to accomplish things.

One thing that has bothered me is that I’m on macOS the fonts look terrible!

I had a hunch that Wwise uses Wine to run on macOS so, after some Googling around, I found some steps to get higher resolution font support with Wine on macOS. The steps are slightly different when you’re doing it from within Wwise so I thought it would be useful to share those with others.

  1. Start Wwise
  2. In the macOS menubar for the app click on File > Run Command…
  3. In the dialog that comes up enter regedit for the Command and click Run
  4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\Mac Driver
  5. Click on Edit > New > String Value
  6. Set Name to RetinaMode
  7. Set Data to Y
  8. Close Regedit
  9. In the macOS menubar for the app click on File > Run Command…
  10. In the dialog that comes up enter winecfg for the Command and click Run
  11. Navigate to the Graphics tab
  12. Change the Screen Resolution from 96 to 192
    • Note: You may need to use the Tab key to navigate to the input for this value
  13. Close Wine Configuration
  14. Close and Restart Wwise
  15. Enjoy smooth fonts!

Thanks to mcxiaoke for his Blurry font issue with Wine 2.0 on macOS 10.12.2 GitHub Gist explaining how to fix this.


Wwise Before


Wwise After